One group of organisms which can be used to assess the quality of grasslands is grassland fungi. These species are most notable in early Autumn. It can be hard for a beginner or improver to find easy-to-use and Ireland-specific information on these fungi. The booklet ‘Introduction to grassland fungi’ has been produced by Mark Wright of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in Northern Ireland for training courses, and we are delighted to share it here as a downloadable resource.
In Mark’s words:
‘This introductory guide to grassland fungi has evolved from resources prepared for a series of grassland fungi identification workshops … over a number of years. They are collated together here with the aim of enthusing people interested in knowing the names of some of our most brightly coloured fungi.’
‘Most of the training courses … have been in Northern Ireland, however the contents of this guide have been enriched with several courses undertaken in partnership with National Parks and Wildlife Service as part of the Great Irish Grasslands project. The contents of this guide are equally applicable across the whole island of Ireland.’
We hope you enjoy learning about these fascinating organisms!